Blue Career Guide
The Blue Career Guide is an attractive and informative tool for young people between 15 to 29 years old to guide them for the career opportunities in the Blue Economy growth areas: coastal tourism, aquaculture, ocean energy, marine biotechnology, shipbuilding, maritime transport and fisheries.
The Career Guide provides valid information, gathered by the expert partners of the Blue Generation project about the job opportunities along with the employment status at national level or EU level as well as special interviews per sector in the end.
The Lead partner, Militos Consulting SA with the support of Sea Teach prepared the guide for publication with the main aim of being appealing to young people.
As the first Output of the Blue Generation project (funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment) will accompany all the promotional and communicational visits in all project partners countries and is available in the six Beneficiary partner languages plus English.